Better Freestyle Breathing
Don't over rotate your head when taking a breath. Eyes should be on the lane-line next to you not the ceiling.
Bi-lateral Breathing- helps balance your stroke & helps control breathing.
Empty your lungs by exhaling into the water before rotating your head for a breath.
Pretty much every movement in swimming is connected to your core. Breathing is no different. Tighten your core when taking a breath. It will keep you in proper body alignment and help stop your legs from bowing.
Don't breathe off the wall! It stops the momentum you worked so hard to create with your flip-turn!

What Is Bi-lateral Breathing on both sides while swimming freestyle. You may not want to bi-lateral breathe during meets but you should always train bi-laterally.
 Why should you do it?
It balances your stroke. Having a weaker side leaves you susceptible to injuries.
Teaches you to control your breathing.
Helps you swim straighter.
Gives you better side to side roll.Â
Studies have shown that the way you breath during freestyle has major effect on both technique and speed.Â
This is a great breathing control drill- but at the end of the night it may be overwhelming for some swimmers. Important to remind swimmers that this is a challenge and to just do their best!
5/7/9 Freestyle Drill
5 pulls then a breath
7 pulls then a breath
9 pulls then a breath