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Reflexology (7).png

1-Your body should undulate throughout the stroke in a wave like motion.

2-Lead with your forehead not your chin.

3-Keep Your body as close to the surface of the water as you can. Sinking down into the water creates drag.

4-Fingertips not thumbs down when hands enter water.

5-Arms should be shoulder width apart on entry. Having arms at shoulder width is your most optimal power position in both Free and Fly.

6- Pull should be through the center of your body.

7- When breathing chin should skim the top of the water.

8- Hips and heels should be at the water line not under the water.

9- Dolphin Kick begins at the hips not the knees.

10- Keep your legs close together. Do not bow legs when taking a breath. Using a pull buoy at practice is a good way to stop that bad habit!

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